Minimise the Menopause Ageing Effects

It doesn’t surprise me that employers have been urged more to “normalise conversations” about the menopause in the workplace and treat it like pregnancy. A recent BBC survey asked 1,009 women aged 50 to 60 how their experience of the menopause had affected their work and relationships and what their symptoms and treatments were. The poll found 70% of women did not make their employer aware they were experiencing symptoms, while nearly a third said they had not visited their GP. Nearly half of respondents said the menopause had affected their mental health, while a quarter said it made them want to stay at home.

Women are suffering in silence. The menopause is quite literally life-changing. Like getting our first period marked the start of our childbearing years, the menopause marks the end of them. The decrease in oestrogen in the body, brought about by the menopause, means the physical effects are visible on the face and in our hair. The menopause can last anywhere up to four years from the last period, however, it is not uncommon for women to experience the symptoms of menopause for up to 12 years.

During menopause, the ovaries begin to stop producing the hormone oestrogen, which causes collagen levels to decrease. Oestrogen naturally stimulates and boosts collagen production. Collagen promotes skin thickness and elasticity and gives the skin its firmness, fullness, and structure. There are many things you can do to minimise the effect of hormonal ageing during and after menopause. You can minimise collagen loss by undertaking lifestyle changes and there are also a number of non-surgical cosmetic treatments which The Goldsmith Clinic offer that will actually increase the collagen production in your skin and help with thinning hair.

Here is my advice to help your skin defy the effects of the menopause:

  • Avoid anything that decreases collagen levels, such as smoking, poor nutrition, stress, and poor hydration
  •  Wear sunscreen with minimum SPF 30 daily to protect your skin and help prevent new wrinkles from forming.
  •  Moisturise with a cream that includes Retinol A. It can increase cell turnover and encourage the production of collagen, improving the appearance of sun damage, lines, acne, scars and dark spots, evening out skin tone and smoothing texture. The IS Clinical range contains 1% retinol and is a miracle worker
  •  It is recommended you do at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity in bouts of 10 minutes or more each week. This could include activities such as cycling or brisk walking. Women can lose up to 20% of their bone density in the five to seven years after the menopause putting you at risk of osteoporosis. Strength training can help minimise this risk. Better still, exercise helps release those mood-enhancing endorphins which will help lift your spirits if you’re having a down day
  •  Skin Boosters are a type of dermal filler, but are specifically designed to improve the skin’s firmness, elasticity and radiance.  They offer a long-lasting effective solution for skin concerns, such as creepiness, dryness, roughness and wrinkles, with results lasting up to two years.
  •  Profhilo is a revolutionary treatment that can only be described as ‘scaffolding’ for the skin, prompting the body to produce its own higher levels of collagen. It’s an excellent treatment for women aged 40+ and the results are amazing. The lifting, tightening and hydrating effects of Profhilo last for around six months.
  • Carboxytherapy is a non-surgical, FDA approved cosmetic treatment, which involves the therapeutic use of Carbon Dioxide Gas (CO2). It is a leading skin rejuvenation treatment and is a safe, minimally invasive, clinically-proven method to rejuvenate, restore and recondition. It is great not only to boost your skin but can rejuvenate hair production if you are suffering from the effects of thinning.

Some women sail through menopause, but for many, it’s a difficult time physically and mentally. As a registered nurse practitioner who has worked in the community for many years, I have seen first-hand the effects the menopause has on some women. As you start to see the ageing process speed up, many women can feel depressed and lose their mojo. But, as you can see from my advice, there are solutions to not only stop but reverse the physical ageing effects of the menopause. There are options for everyone.

Just get in touch and I’d be delighted to offer a free consultation to help you explore your options, whether that’s through diet, exercise or non-surgical cosmetic enhancements to help you look an even better you!

The Goldsmith Clinic offers a wide range of treatments and I can advise on the most suitable for your particular needs. Get in touch today to book your free consultation.

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