get the best from your skin
Injectable Platelet-Rich Fibrin utilises the patient’s own blood to promote tissue regeneration
Injectable Platelet Rich Fibrin (iPRF) is an all-natural, non-surgical regenerative treatment that utilises the patient’s own blood platelets in order to treat fine lines and wrinkles, volume loss, photo damage, scars, pigmentation, poor texture and hair restoration.

What is IRPF?
After your blood is taken, it is spun in a centrifuge at low speed to obtain the Platelet Rich Fibrin. The slow spin preserves platelet integrity, meaning better results. The mixture of activated platelets, leukocytes (white blood cells) and mesenchymal stem cells promote the formation of new collagen, fibroblasts and elastin tissues, improving skin elasticity and complexion.
Using 100% natural ingredients and no artificial gels or anticoagulants, iPRF can be injected like a dermal filler or micro-needled, depending on the desired outcome. This will always be discussed prior to any treatment, with Theresa’s holistic approach ensuring that you get the desired results in the most effective way.
Is IRPF for me?
Once injected or needled into the skin the growth factors and cytokines within the IPRF promote cell growth, collagen production, and tissue repair.
This can lead to improved skin texture, reduced wrinkles, faster healing, and enhanced hair growth, depending on the area of treatment.
Why book with us?
Every aesthetic patient is given a generous appointment time to ensure the team is able to thoroughly assess and understand their needs, following this a treatment plan is devised.
In an unregulated industry, Theresa is both medically trained and undertakes regular recognised training, only ever accessing accredited training schools. This ensures she is both up-to-date with the latest techniques and products, as well as delivering the best experience possible for clients. The entire Goldsmith Clinic team only undertake the highest quality industry regulated training.
Before and after

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Around 1 hour
x3 initial sessions and then 1 annual session every 10-12 months
Improvement in skin tone, and firmness can be seen gradually over several weeks as the body’s natural collagen and elastin production
Pricing and Packages
Hair rejuvenation
Treatment Time: Around 1 hour
Occurrence: Course of 3 will be needed initially but further treatment may be required.
Results: May start to appear after 6-8 weeks
Downtime: 6 hours
1 session: £320
Course of 3 sessions: £750
Skin rejuvenation
Treatment Time: Around 1 hour
Occurrence: Course of 3 will be needed initially but further treatment may be required.
Results: May start to appear after 6-8 weeks
Downtime: 6 hours
1 session: £320
Course of 3 sessions: £750
Teartrough IPRF
Treatment Time: Around 1 hour
Occurrence: 1 initial treatment, then a second treatment may be required after 4 weeks
Results: Immediate and improve over 4-6 weeks
Downtime: Minimal, mild redness may occur around the injection sites
1 session: £300
£100 per further treatment