get the best from your skin

Lumecca & Perma Vein

Lumecca is an advanced Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment, and Perma Vein is a single laser treatment. They can be used for skin rejuvenation and to address various skin concerns.

Lumecca is a non-invasive and non-ablative procedure that uses broad-spectrum light to target specific skin issues, such as pigmentation irregularities, sun damage, vascular lesions, and overall skin texture. The Perma Vein laser is a more targeted treatment that is perfect for treating suborn vines, blood vessels and other vascular lesions. 

lumecca treatment

Lumecca treatment

What is Lumecca or Perma Vein?

Is Lumecca or Perma Vein for me?

These treatments are commonly used on the face, neck, décolletage, hands, and other areas of the body where skin concerns are present. They can effectively treat a range of skin issues, including:

  • Sun spots
  • Age spots
  • Freckles
  • Redness
  • Rosacea
  • Broken blood vessels
  • Vascular lesions
  • Skin texture and tone

Why book with us?

Every aesthetic patient is given a generous appointment time to ensure the team is able to thoroughly assess and understand their needs, following this a treatment plan is devised.

In an unregulated industry, Theresa is both medically trained and undertakes regular recognised training, only ever accessing accredited training schools. This ensures she is both up-to-date with the latest techniques and products, as well as delivering the best experience possible for clients. The entire Goldsmith Clinic team only undertake the highest quality industry regulated training.

Before and after



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30 minutes


4-6 weeks


Can take a number of sessions until results are visible.
Downtime: Anything from mild erythema to bruising that may last a number of days.

Pricing and Packages

Lumecca £100

Patch test required

Perma Vein £50 – £100

Test patch: £50
Next treatment: £50


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